Run Zander 2.2
Play as a character named Zander and help him survive for as longas possible by countlessly jumping onto platforms. The in-gamescore increases whilst Zander is kept alive, gold coins add to thein-game score making it easier to get new high scores. Zander canbe moved left and right via the joystick located on the bottom lefthand corner of the game screen. He can be made to jump by tappingthe bottom right area of the game screen. Platforms are spawned atrandom intervals which ensures a different adventure every time.Please email me if you do come across any bugs so that they can befixed ASAP. Please leave a review if you did enjoy the game.
Random Number Gen 1.1
This is a simple number generator. Are you training to become apsychic and need a test subject? Then this is that app for you!!!Enter a minimum and maximum value (as though you were asking a realperson). Attempt to guess the number. Press generate. See if youwere correct :D Are you trying to choose between options (likemovies, games or food)? Then this is the app for you!!! Assignincremental numbers to those options starting from one. Enter oneas the minimum value and the number of options you have for themaximum value. Press generate. Match the number generated to thecorresponding option Ta'Dah :) Want to play higher or lower? Thenthis is the app for you!!! Enter one as the minimum value, then amaximum value of your choice. Before pressing generate, guesswhether the value will be higher or lower. Check if you werecorrect and play again!!! Have Fun ;) P.S. the generated number canbe the same as the min/max value and can be the same number formore than one round. +++Thanks for reading!!!
Slippy Slope 1.1
You're slipping... down a slope... good luck!